A Little About Us.......

Our family started out a household of 10-2 adults and 8 children, some our own, and some adopted from our local community, with such a large family the importance of working together and self reliance is extremely important. With only 4 of us left, that same importance still applies, we work together in the garden to grow fresh vegetables, almost everything is done by hand or with hand tools, occaisionally we do use a tiller, but mainly we work together with shovels and hoes, weeding and planting each seed by hand, harvesting is done by hand also as a family. We take great pride in each step, from breaking ground, to picking fresh vegetables and preparing or canning/freezing ourselves. It is important to see each step in the process, especially for children and gives overwhelming pride in the end. When we purchase products to sell, each item is checked for ripeness and freshness, so that if it is not perfect, we do not sell it to our customers. We take pride in seeing each of our customers return, as well as new prospective customers come, and we will gladly let you sample before you buy, to ensure satisfaction and quality is enjoyed by us all. Also, we are competitive with pricing, by doing research each day to see the sales or deals available and do our best to meet or exceed values.

Monday, August 25, 2014

What's in store for us today?

Today David has the produce stand set up in Brunswick, GA outside of Captain Roy's Seafood on Norwich St. We will soon have a location set up for you on Highway 17 South around Exit 29!!! We are hoping to have all 3 locations open for the upcoming Labor Day Weekend! LOTS of fresh goodies available for your cookouts, get-together's or just for your dining or snacking pleasures! So check out the convenient locations below and come on out and see us!!!

For today, we have lots of great deals for you with a fresh load of fruits and veggies! There is something good for everyone.

Tomatoes~extra large..............$1/each
large (green or red).....2/$3
vine ripe................3/$2
Granny Smith Apples...............2/$1
Green Bell Peppers................2/$3
OBryan's Family Produce
Minit Stop
1875 Rayonier Rd.
Captain Roy's Seafood
2906 Norwich St.
Check back for the opening date of our newest location at
2694 Hwy 17 South Brunswick, GA

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